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Here you can find the details for all type of presentations




Oral Presentations

Each oral paper presentations will be allocated in 20 minutes slots.

Presenters must give 15 minutes for the presentation itself + 5 minutes for discussion with the audience.

Session rooms will have a laptop with software tools (like PowerPoint), data-projector and screen.

We recommend presenters to bring an USB pen drive or CD-ROM with a copy of their presentations.



Presenters are required to prepare the content in a full-sized poster, with the following requirements:

Dimensions: Poster size should be no more than A0 portrait (approx. 84 x 115cm). We recommend that you use heavyweight paper or thin card. - As they can be viewed from a certain distance, please make sure your typeface and graphics are easy to read – we recommend you to use a font size for: • Title: 20-24 mm or 100 point maximum/bold. Make sure your title, authors and affiliated institutions/contact details are clearly visible at the top of your presentation to give to interested delegates. • Headings: 48 point suggested 60 point at max. – title case headings such as “Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Discussion” and “Conclusions” are useful. Results can be presented in the form of graphics, avoiding large data tables – use colours, symbols, pictures, etc. • Content: 20-28 point, 32 point at max (single spaced).

Please note that the official conference language is English – all posters must be displayed in English.

Keep the amount of text in your posters brief, focusing on a few key points. Any description of the methods should be simple and concise.

The conference will include timetabled sessions providing an opportunity for presenters and participants to discuss work and findings. There will be a dynamic forum between presenter(s) and the audience. Presenter(s) must give 2 to 5 minutes oral presentation followed by approx. 3 minutes discussion with the public, where they can answer questions about the posters. Please remember to take your poster materials with you. Any posters remaining at the end of the conference will be discarded.


Virtual Presentations

The conference will hold a presentation facility prepared not only for common posters but also for virtual content - screens will showcase PowerPoint and videos. This will give the opportunity for all presenters - those who are present and particularly for those who cannot be at the conference meeting physically, but wish to participate - to showcase their work through a different media. Presenters that will not be present at the conference, but will participate with a virtual contribution, must also be registered in the conference, their papers are considered to be published as the others and are also entitled to the certificate of participation in the conference.

Presenters are required to prepare the content for the presentation itself, which can be made in one of these two ways (in no particular order):

1) Recording a video of the presentation,
2) or, Creating a PowerPoint presentation with slides and a voice-over.

1) About recording a video presentation:
• You can record your presentation through a camcorder, web-camera or mobile phone with at least 4 mega pixels quality.
• Feel free to open your video in an editing program (Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, AVID, Final Cut Pro or other editing software), according to your expertise and convenience, to make alterations and all kind of editing (putting a tittle, your name, etc).
• Save your file either in *.AVI, *.MPG, *.WMV or *.MOV (extensions format).

2) About creating a Powerpoint presentation with a voice-over:
• Use the PowerPoint program or similar (available in any Operating System) to compose your presentation in slides. This software is convenient and easier for almost all people, but you're welcome to use other tools, creating advanced presentations.
• We suggest you start by present a picture of yourself with email contact or affiliations, with a welcome message to the audience – feel free to use your creativity, but try to keep it easy and brief.
• Use an audio recording device, such as a microphone or other external voice recorder, music, etc. Once you have you PowerPoint slides, you can insert the audio files using the program itself - click Insert > Movies and Sounds > Sound from file (choosing the location of your audio files).
• You can also record your voice with PowerPoint in each slide, if desired - click Insert > Movies and Sounds > Record sound. One can create self-running slides, including your voice narration.
• After you made the synchronized PowerPoint presentation, turn it into a movie file - click File > Make Movie - the opened window will allow you to choose the location where you want to save your video from the PowerPoint presentation (save your file either in *.AVI, *.MPG, *.WMV or *.MOV (extensions format).

Important note for videos and PowerPoint videos:
- Spoken or written words must be in English.
- Try to achieve a good quality voice recording, to facilitate the hearing, by making it in a quiet setting and by speaking clearly and in a paused manner.
- Videos and PowerPoint videos should be kept simple, transmitting information clearly, like in a poster presentation with the respective contents. Use clear and visible characters in the writings when editing text or topics.
- Review and watch various times your video and its contents in your software player.

- You MUST NOT EXCEED a 10 minutes presentation and 2GB of space file.



A workshop provides an opportunity for a group of participants to achieve a specific goal or address a particular problem. It may be designed to train or educate participants in a particular research methodology or theoretical approach, e.g., or to address a specific problem, such as how to use particular research findings in health psychological care or policy. A workshop can also be a useful way to develop a consensus on a particular issue. For example, the goal of the workshop may be to produce a position statement or policy on a particular topic, to identify priorities in a specific area or to develop theoretical perspectives or methodologies. It should have a clear structure and require active participation by everyone involved.

Proposals for Workshop will have 5 contributors at maximum, including the workshop convenor/facilitator. Timing for workshops should not extend 60-90 minutes.


Company Presentations

Timing for company presentations should not extend 45 minutes.


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