Education, in a global sense, is a right since we are born. Every
experience has a formative effect on the constitution of the human
being, in the way one thinks, feels and acts. One of the most
important contribution resides in what and how we learn through the
improvement of educational processes, both in formal and informal
International Conference seeks to provide some answers and explore
the processes, actions, challenges and outcomes of learning,
teaching and human development. Our goal is to offer a worldwide
connection between teachers, students, researchers and lecturers,
from a wide range of academic fields, interested in exploring and
giving their contribution in educational issues.
International Conference on Education and New Developments 2014
invites you to showcase presentations, from the most diverse
countries and cultures, to promote growth in research methods
intimitly related to teaching, learning and applications in
Education nowadays. We wish to ilustrate developments and new ways
of thinking in these main fields:
Teachers and Students; •
Projects and Trends; •
Teaching and Learning; •
Organizational Issues.
Conference Special theme: New Paradigms and Use of ICTs in Education
Final Conference Program
Conference at a glance (peliminary version)
Speaker: Professor Hanna David,
Tel Aviv University (Emerita), Israel

Authors will be
invited to publish extended contributions for the book
"Education Applications Developments".
A book edited by Mafalda Carmo
(WIARS, Portugal), to be published by inScience Press.
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To download our END 2014 Conference Official Poster
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